2010 EEW Workshop

Perspectives on Application

WSSPC Special Session held at the Natural Hazards Center
Broomfield, Colorado
July 10, 2010

Early Earthquake Warning: Perspectives on Application

This panel presented and discussed earthquake early warning as a new and developing technology including sociological and public policy implications, Japan’s experience in the development and implementation of its system, and what is envisioned for California.


Dr. James Goltz, Earthquake and Tsunami Program Manager, California Emergency Management Agency


Dr. David Applegate, Senior Advisor for Earthquakes and Geologic Hazards, U.S. Geological Survey

Dr. Dennis Mileti, Former Director, Natural Hazards Center and Professor of Sociology (Emeritus), University of Colorado, Boulder

David Zocchetti, J.D., Chief Counsel and Director of Legislative Affairs, California Emergency Management Agency

Dr. Yukio Fujinawa, Senior Managing Director, Real-Time Earthquake Information Consortium, Japan